There is a universal consensus that happiness in children is highly valued, however, are we getting it right?
What is the connection between cultivating children’s inner strength and confidence, emotional expression and unstructured play?
According to HAPPIFY there isn’t a single secret recipe to a child’s happiness, but many different key factors that contribute to their well-being.
Nurturing and relaxed parents, who manage to communicate feelings instead of needs, that keep their level of optimism high and enjoy their own personal lives are more likely to cultivate happy homes for their children.
Moreover, kids that have time for unstructured activities and sports, spend more time outdoors and less in front of the TV, are happy kids.
“When you know better you do better.” – Maya Angelou
Standardization vs. divergent thinking. The current educational system was designed and conceived for a different age, a different intellectual culture and different economical circumstances. The following video shows the historical route of public education and pinpoints the differences between now and then as well as the different circumstances both economical and cultural on which the concept of education was based.
Our current educational system is standardized and hasn’t really changed throughout the years even though both culture and economy have. Gradually, the educational system has become out of date and therefore has a more negative rather than positive impact on our children’s’ lives overall since it hasn’t managed to keep up and adapt to the needs of today.
Transforming the educational system around the idea of divergent thinking seems to be a better way of preparing youngsters for the challenges that they will face in real life and help them move forward into the future.
In Finland, the comprehensive school system has sat at the top of Europe’s rankings for the past 16 years. But how do the Finns do it? Are we ready to understand the concept of playing as the milestone on children’s development?
We believe children under seven are not ready to start school, they need time to play and be physically active. It’s a time for creativity.